If you have a new House Plan in your mind and you have had it designed by a special architect, and you are ready to build the new home, before you do that there are a lot of considerations. Every home plan will be very effective, but to make sure that your new home is good and you fit in there, you need to check the people around. If the neighbors are good, if you have the house in an area that is all noisy and full of other things that irritate you, it will not be good.

Make sure that you start your search by choosing neighborhoods such as, school and the services you use daily like office where you work. You can build a house near your workplace. So it is important that you consider the places which you visit regularly; such places might be: workplace, shopping, church, school, restaurants, recreation etc.
It is very important or you to study the people around, once you have a search of the area then you might be able to make decision. Make sure that when you execute your House Plan it is safe. Your new home must be in a peaceful place, you have to look for the recreational areas nearby, the markets or the bazaars, and the schools systems etc. then you must also look at the history of the area, is it full of criminal records?
This gives you an idea what to do about the security of your home. So it is important to check everything.